[MNAPRS] APRS digipeater to far away?

Jerry W k0hzi.mn at gmail.com
Sun Aug 27 11:39:35 UTC 2006

OK Doug,

Well I am not quite "in a hole" here.  The building sits on the edge
of the bluff about 75 feet above the river bottom.  I am actually four
stories above the street level as part of the building is below the
first tear of the bluff.  If I walk to to the other side of the
building on the east side and can see the Mining building as a clear
shot and know that is why I hear the 010 so good. West direction is
the problem, church roof, trees and terrain rising as one goes west.

Have tried to get moved to thirteenth floor, north or west side, but
the HRA will not move any one except for health reasons to a wheel
chair apartment and all those are on the fourth floor.

I will look into the beam idea.  Have the same problem getting into
the SPRC repeater at St Thomas on Summit Ave.  But from the small
outside balcony on thirteen , west side, (nice view up there!), I can
get into the SPRC repeater with my 5 watt HT.

 Jerry  - K0HZI

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