[MNAPRS] APRS digipeater to far away?

Jerry W k0hzi.mn at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 20:11:09 UTC 2006

Unable to decode any APRS messages.  Maybe the digipeater is to far
away?  I can monitor a regular BBS Packet node on 145.010 MHz, see the
call signs sending beacons but that node or digipeater is closer than
the APRS node I think?.  Have also tried MixW in the Packet mode, VHF 1200/2000
Hz configuration, can not see any APRS messages but I can from the
145.010 node with MixW.. There is digipeater traffic as I can go to a
local findu and view the stations there.
Shorter link: http://makeashorterlink.com/?M2FE123AD
I can send with my Kenwood HandiTalkie TH-D7A[G] a APRS message and
that decodes fine, to far away to hit the APRS node, can not hear any
signals with the HT inside, but can if I go outside away from the
building.  Nothing on APRS on 144.390 on the base station.  I must
have hit the digipeater once on 8/25/06 as my call K0HZI-1 was
recorded on the above URL, but I did not get an acknowledgment back on

With UI-View and monitoring 145.010 some of the messages in the Terminal window:
14:40:50R N0TL-1>W0MR-3 <RR C P R1>
14:40:51R N0TL-1>WB9OKQ-4 <RR C P R0>
14:40:56R N0TL-1>WB9OKQ-4 <RR C P R0>
14:46:11R N0TL-1>W0MR-3 <RR C P R1>
14:46:17R N0TL-1>WB9OKQ-4 <RR C P R0>
14:50:25R N0TL-1>W0MR-3 <UA R F>
14:50:54R N0TL-1>ID <UI C Len=23>:
TheNet X-1J4  (MNSTP)

My QTH is in South St Paul, MN.  I live in a senior high rise, no
outside antennas allowed.
Building is concrete and brick construction.  I live on the eighth
floor.  Antenna is a two meter 5/8th wave mounted on a cookie sheet
and also radials cut for 146.000.  The antenna sits on a bookshelf
near the window.  My view is a little west south west.  There is a
church across the street and the roof blocks most of the repeaters to
the west and some northwest of my QTH.  Also the terrain rises about
another 50 feet to the west until about Highway 52.

Any suggestions as to improve my reception.  I guess a short three or
four element beam aimed out to the north and west might help?

Jerry  -  K0HZI

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