[d-star] New D-STAR Repeater Now in Place in ARRL Laboratory

Mark Thompson wb9qzb_groups at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 6 01:54:24 CDT 2010


New D-STAR Repeater Now in Place in ARRL Laboratory


The ARRL Lab has installed a D-STAR (Digital Smart Technologies  for Amateur 
Radio) repeater in the Lab at the ARRL Headquarters  building. Operating with an 
output of 147.390 MHz, positive offset, the  W1HQ D-STAR repeater is a local 
repeater with a modest footprint  covering the Hartford-New Britain, Connecticut 
area. The antenna is on  the roof of the Headquarters building with the repeater 
located in the  Lab. With its gateway, the repeater is accessible to any D-STAR 
user on  the planet. The Lab’s call sign is W1INF.

“The purpose of the repeater is to better educate the Lab staff on  D-STAR 
technology,” explained ARRL Test 

Engineer Bob Allison, WB1GCM.  “In turn, we will have the ability to handle some 
of our members'  questions on the matter. We also intend to use this new 
technology when  emergencies occur where D-STAR technology is deployed.”

In the near future, the W1HQ D-STAR system will also include 70 and  23 cm 
repeaters, as well as a 23 cm high speed data link, once initial  frequency 
coordination is granted. “We’re especially interested in the  high speed data 
link,” Allison said. “Though it will have a limited  range, we can begin 
experimenting with its potential and use it as a  training tool for Lab staff.”

Allison thanked Bill Unghire, N1CNV, for his contributions as the  major 
motivator for the ARRL HQ D-STAR project. “Bill, an ARRL Life  Member, also 
provided valuable IT support with setting up the gateway,”  he said. Building 
Manager Greg Kwasowski, W1GJK, handled the  installation of all of the hardware, 
and Allison and W1AW Station  Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q, handled the testing and 
coordination efforts.  “Try giving the Lab a call -- during our noon lunch 
break, of course,”  Allison invited.


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