[d-star] DCC (Digital Communications Conference) A Success & Returning to Chicago Next Year

Mark Thompson wb9qzb at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 5 17:18:28 CDT 2008

Doug - 
Erik, NY9D gave an interesting presentation at the DCC. 
I've attached a copy of the WinMOR paper that Rick Meuthing, KN6KB submitted for the DCC. 
Perhaps with some planning a group from the Minneapolis area can carpool & attend the DCC next year in Chicago. 
 73, Mark, WB9QZB
Chicago, IL 

----- Original Message ----
From: Doug Reed <n0nas at amsat.org>
To: List for people interested in the D Star repeaters <d-star at lists.twinslan.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 4, 2008 10:23:17 PM
Subject: Re: [d-star] DCC (Digital Communications Conference) A Success & Returning to Chicago Next Year

Two announcements that have my interest:
1. WINMOR soundcard modem for WinLink 2000 beta release in 3-4 months.
2. DCC back in Chicago again next year.

WINMOR to get away from the $1000 Pactor modem has my interest. I'd 
rather do it with software anyway....
And with the DCC back in Chicago, maybe I can arrange to go next year....

73, Doug Reed, N0NAS.

Mark Thompson wrote:
> http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2008/10/02/10371/?nc=1
> ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference: "Pretty Interesting!"  .....<snip>
> Rick Muething, KN6KB, described his "WINMOR Soundcard ARQ Mode for Winlink HF Digital Messaging." Wolfgang said that this was a much anticipated presentation: "Rick reported that WINMOR is 3 to 4 months from beta testing. His preliminary comparisons to Pactor 1, 2 and 3 use a simulator. He indicates that WINMOR will have better throughput than Pactor 1 and comparable to, or perhaps a bit better than Pactor 2, but not quite as good as Pactor 3. He indicated that the efficiency is within about 70 percent of Pactor ARQ."
> The TAPR Annual Meeting was held after all the presentations on Saturday where the Board of Directors discussed the idea of coming back to the same hotel for next year's DCC. "The local group that supported DCC this year, including Mark Thompson, WB9QZB, and Kermit Carlson, W9XA, did a great job of providing AV support," Wolfgang said. "Ron Steinberg, K9IKZ, who owns a local audio/visual company, provided two large projection screens and projectors, so every presentation was shown on both sides of the room, as well as on a widescreen TV outside the room. The audio was very easy to hear, even if you were in the hall outside the room or in the demonstration room; the set-up was left there from the W9DXCC Convention the previous weekend. They offered to provide the same support for next year, if the DCC returned. So, the decision was made to break with tradition, and return to Chicago next year, September 25-27."

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