[d-star] Open Source IC91AD Memory Programmer - BETA

Mark Thompson wb9qzb at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 30 00:29:05 CDT 2007

----- Forwarded Message ---- 
From: k7ve <john at hays.org> 
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2007 10:27:35 PM 
Subject: Open Source IC91AD Memory Programmer - BETA 

OK, all of you open source fans and those who don't want to lay down the money for Icom's programming software, Bruce, KG7WI, has created a PERL program that will allow you to program your IC91AD. 

The program is located at http://utah-d-star-users.googlegroups.com/web/cx91 

You will need the programming cable (documented at: http://cobalt.n5zpr.com/Media/icom_cables.pdf ) 

Run it as is on Linux or if you are stuck on Windows, I have gotten it to work on WindowsXP, but not consistently, but worth a try. 

Windows XP Users, you will need to: 

Install ActivePerl from ActiveState (free download version is at http://www.activestate.com/store/activeperl ) - Allow it to add PERL to your PATH 

Download the PERL program cx91 (listed above) and name it cx91.pl 
Use your favorite program to set the COM1: port to 38400 baud (I used the Icom programming software, the reader can figure out what works best for them). 
Open the command line prompt (RUN cmd.exe) 
Goto the directory where you downloaded cx91 and with the programming cable attached to COM1, issue the command 

perl cx91.pl --get --port=COM1: test91.csv 
You will get a complaint that 'stty' in not recognized (that's the Unix/Linux command to setup the serial port speed, etc.) 

It takes some time (minutes) to read the memory of the IC91AD ... but when you are done you will have a nice editable csv file. Edit to taste and load it using the same program but with the --put instead of the --get. 

The program has a help in the source file and there is a discussion at: http://groups.google.com/group/utah-d-star-users/browse_thread/thread/971c18eb0c003969 

Hopefully, Bruce's work will lead to other implementations for windows (.NET, etc.) 

73 de K7VE 

Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

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